Greg Berg

Welcome To The Vehicle For Change

Free Report Reveals The 7 Deadly Sins Of Internet Marketing

Contained within this report you’ll find the 7 deadly sins that are killing your sales and profits, and
as a result, keeping you stuck, struggling, and overwhelmed.

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I began searching for another way to earn a living where I could be the one in charge of my destiny and that led me, ultimately, to Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing, finally finding what I was looking for…


I went off to college, after being talked out of going into the Marines, and earned two degrees in mathematics and science. Those degrees got me into three industries and I earned that better life that I had hoped for…


Hello, My name is Greg Berg and welcome to my webpage. I currently live in my home town of Corinth, New York, situated in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. It was here that I grew up in a family of lower middle class…

About Me

Hello, My name is Greg Berg and welcome to my webpage. I currently live in my home town of Corinth, New York, situated in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. It was here that I grew up in a family of lower middle class where you were defined by the work that you did, the quality of that work, and how much of it you did. There were many lean years growing up but we managed to get by and it was those years that formed me and gave me work ethics and the desire to do better in life.

I went off to college, after being talked out of going into the Marines, and earned two degrees in mathematics and science. Those degrees got me into three industries and I earned that better life that I had hoped for. It was during that time that I met my wife and our daughter and we became a family and, thus, began a new chapter.

Being in industry in the Northeast is always a risky proposition and it proved so for me. After being downsized twice, I took a different path and started working in the public sector; where I work even today. It was during this transition period that I began searching for another way to earn a living where I could be the one in charge of my destiny and that led me, ultimately, to Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing, finally finding what I was looking for.